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SMS fortune telling - 1 Question
SMS fortune telling - 1 Question
Reference :
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Psychic by SMS - 1 question
- Simply order your fortune-telling by SMS on this page.
- Once your order paid via Paypal, Credit Card ... send directly your question by SMS to: +33695468923
(No hidden fees, you will have nothing else to pay)
- Date of birth and first name to be included in the SMS for your clairvoyance + 3 numbers between 2 and 54.
Fast and personalized answer by your psychic Frederic himself and not by robots as so often!
The principle of the clairvoyance by sms is very simple:
- It allows you to exchange with your psychic Frederic directly by phone and to keep in touch with him.
In the subway, at work, in the doctor's waiting room, each question you ask yourself can be answered by simply sending a text message to your psychic Frederic.
SMS fortune telling:
A new form of clairvoyance that has already proven itself
Everyone today has a cell phone, from the simplest model to the most advanced smartphones, fortune-telling by SMS requires only one technical condition, that you be able to receive and send text messages.
No need for a color screen or even 4G, fortune telling by sms adapts to all phone models without any restriction, without needing to invest in a certain type of device or a particular package.
The world evolves, the methods of divination also...
No matter what questions you ask, Frederic will answer you directly on your phone once you have sent him the subject of your request. Once your text message has been received by the clairvoyant Frederic, you can contact him directly by this means.
What can I expect from fortune-telling by sms ?
Psychic text messaging is an appropriate offer in the world in which we live.
The expectations in terms of clairvoyance have evolved too.
Simple, fast, discreet and effective, SMS fortune-telling is just as reliable a way to get answers as telephone fortune-telling.
Beyond the answers, the clairvoyance by sms allows you to obtain tracks on the various orientations which will be presented to you.
Love, work, money, family, there is nothing that Frederic of FredericAndCo cannot handle.
The quality of a clairvoyance consultation does not depend on the way it is done but on the professionalism and the quality of the service of the clairvoyant who will accompany you.
The choice of the support remains with the whole provision of the consultant and does not interfere in nothing in the councils which it delivers.
Whether he uses the tarot, an oracle, a crystal ball or a pendulum, has all the capacity and the skills to be with your listening without any restriction related to technology or the distance.
Once your payment made, send your question by SMS for a precise clairvoyance to the free number below:
Date of birth and first name to include in the SMS for your fortune telling + 3 digits between 2 and 54.
1 Question per message
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